It is very easy to redirect 404 page not found in Blogger. Including an error 404 not found the page to website or blog is highly recommended by the search engine like Google, Bing, Yandex etc. Sometimes website or page may have URL that not working, undefined and search engine can not crawl. For that reason, it effects to reduce attention of visitors to your website or blog and show crawl error.

To solve those two major problems there has a solution and it is redirecting URL of error page to another URL that must work and valid URL like the homepage. Professional SEO experts and Blogger suggest redirecting to homepage.

how to redirect broken link page not found to homepage

To redirect “error 404 not found page” to the homepage in Blogger platform, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to Blogger 
  2. Click ‘Settings→Search Preferences and choose “Errors and redirections” → “Custom Page Not Found?” 
  3. Edit to Set Custom page not found and paste the following code.
Sorry! The page you are looking for in this Website or blog does not exist.
You will be redirected to homepage now. Thank you.
<script type="text/javascript">
    PNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {
        location.pathname = "/"
    }, 4000);

Save your setting and reload any error page.
You have created. 😃
Customize: If you want to redirect to specific URL then put the URL instead of the slash (/) in the script code.

Example: location.pathname = “/p/contact-us.html” will redirect to ‘Contact Us‘ page instead of homepage.

If you want to customize time duration to stay error page, replace 4000 with your selected value.

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