Google AdSense is the first choice to monetize Blogger blog. But many bloggers want moremonetization to boost their income from Blogging and some of the new bloggersdon’t get approved Google AdSense account to publish the advertisement.

earn money in blogger without adsense

However, If you like to monetize Blogger without AdSense then, this postwill help you the best.

Before monetization, I recommend you to check your daily visitors. If you have500+ visitors/daily, you can start monetization, otherwise, you should keepgrowing your audience and next monetize in the right way.

Read:Blogger SEO Gudieline – Increase Organic Traffic

Here are 4 actionable ways to monetize blogger except AdSense

1. Media.Net or Others Ads Platform by Bing-Yahoo is the third largest Ad Network and the RPM is higher than Google AdSense. Tillnow, it is the best alternative of Google AdSense.

media net

Approving for publisher Media is so easy and fast. You need just a custom domain and quality blog or website with rich contents, 500+ daily traffic. It is not strictly required, but recommended. If you have 2000 visitors daily from Western Country (USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland etc.) and publish 3 Ads unit, you may generate $25-$30 Per day. 

Since the ad type of Media is contextual, the CTR is high. Just place the Ad unit in right place. I have found 300X250, 336X280 Ad units are more effective in Sidebar Top, After the Heading, End of Post.

Bending the ad unit to your blog or website is easy. You can easily customize the ad color, link, background, size etc.

The support of Media is awesome. If you have any suggestion, if you need any help they will help you fast through call or mail. I have taken their support several times.

I strongly recommend you to apply for I hope you will love this more than other Ad Networks.

2. Affiliate Program

It is the biggest chance to make unlimited money from blogging by joining Affiliate Program. If you can turn your readers into the customer, then you must earn huge money.

affiliate program

But it is the biggest challenge to choose the best Affiliate Program, Affiliate Products, target audiences.

I am not fearing you but I don’t want to see your failure. Just apply the following tips:

  • Choose the reliable, trendy, profitable Affiliate Program. If your blog or website is physical product related, then Amazon , eBay Partner Network  is the right choice. If your blog or website is Web & Hosting related, then HostGator , BlueHost, iPage etc. is the right choice. Similarly, you can determine which Affiliate Program is perfect for your Blog.
  • Choose the related and relevant products from Amazon, eBay to promote on your blog or website.
  • While choosing products to promote, emphasis on the product review, comments. Because customers don’t want to buy the negatively reviewed products.
  • While writing the post on Blog or Website, keep pros and cons of products. It will help your post to be more reliable to customers. 

To be more successful in Affiliate Marketing, you should join the different Affiliate Marketing related forum, groups, communities. 

If the CPA is high, you can boost your post on Facebook by targeting the best audiences. For that, you can get the more active customer.

3. Publishing Review/Sponsored Post

If your blog gets much organic traffic from Search Engine, you can get offer to publish the review or sponsored post.

publishing review or sponsored post

It could be dealing in two ways:

  1. They will write and you will just publish.
  2. They will just tell you the topic and you have to write and publish.

So the rate will be different. Generally, Clients propose the second because they have no time to write different posts for the different bloggers.

You should fix the charge of the sponsored post according to your blog growth, Unique visitors per month, Post length. You can start from $50 to unlimited per blog. 

4. Selling Products

Do you have your own business or products to sell online? Your Blogger blog or website could be the right place.

If the topic of your blog or website is your product related, you can directly post your products, otherwise, you can promote your products by advertisement to your Blog.

Selling own products on own online place will reduce your marketing cost and increase the selling. So don’t miss this chance.

I recommend you to sell digital products. Because it is very simple to handle the transaction, customer.

Finally, Google AdSense is obviously the greatest way to monetize Blogger blog and it is easy to get approval through Blogger  dashboard. 

# Written by Elliyas Ahmed