If you have a WordPress (WP) website, it is a prudent idea to enhance the text using visual illustration, graphs, charts, images, videos, maps, and other visual illustrations.

For experts with enough skills and experience, this is an easy task.

But for an ordinary person, achieving it might prove to be an uphill task.

The goal is to bring clarity and entice clients to read your blog more when they get attracted to your content.

It enhances how data tells a story.

how to go about data visualization in wordpress

WordPress is a powerful data presentation platform in the form of a website. It gives people hundreds of themes, ensuring that their WP front-end looks unique as long as they took the time to come up with something authentic. All said and done, let us go through useful insights that you should know.

Useful Plugins

WordPress is flexible and through plugins, people can achieve a lot, including boosting content with visual presentations. Although there are numerous plugins for this purpose, only selected few are trusted to give the best results.

Adioma  – This plugin is both easy and powerful to use at the same time. The fact that it is cloud-based allows people to access it easily. If you want to add info-graphics like graphs and charts on your WP blog site, this is the best option to use. It can relate data using arrows and pointers for clarity.

Visualizer plugin  – This plugin allows people to add graphs, charts, and tables among other infographics. The fact that it is loaded with templates makes it very user-friendly. Lastly, this plugin can also allow users to present their data in maps, which are crucial these days.

Datawrapper plugin  – This one is specifically for journalists, although anyone can use it. Being rich in maps, charts, and graphs, it can simplify complicated to look for better understanding at a glance.

Infogram  – This plugin has become very popular as it combines both Adioma and Visualizer in its operations. Being a cloud-based solution gives it more edge. So, if you are looking for a plugin that will allow you to embed maps and charts, this is the option to choose.

Live responsive charts – Being a premium plugin means that it is loaded with numerous features. The main purpose is to help people to create charts, tables, and a lot more. As soon as it is downloaded, it loads very fast and users like everything about it.

Chart and Graph Presentation

data visualization

This is the most popular visual presentation in WordPress. Pie charts, bar graphs, and line graphs are commonly used by beginners to interact with simple data. Graphs are good at comparing subjects through data accumulated over time. On the other hand, pie charts compare data against the whole. Users might want to add colors and make the presentation more vibrant as recommended by experts at ActiveWizards , who are highly specialized in data solutions.

Timeline with Event Presentations

This visual presentation is similar to line graphs but it adds more details of time at various intervals. The goal is to tell readers what happened at various intervals during the evolution of a concept.

According to various visual presentations, this is the primary one that is most suitable for projects with timelines. To have this presentation, ensure that the right plugin is already installed on your WP website.


Whether you choose to use ordinary tables or comparison tables, the results will be incredible. The addition of colors in particular cells gives more visual appeal. The best thing with tables is that it does not give limitations when it comes to data presentation. It is up to you to come up with the right data presentation format and styles.


Embedding location maps or any other in your WP website adds visual value immediately. It is important to have the right plugin to support the successful addition of maps and other related data. Additionally, ensure that your maps can give directions and that they are hyperlinked with important locations that the readers might be interested in.

Pictorial Presentation

These make the visual presentations more colorful as graphics are added to the charts. Furthermore, it is easier to understand pictorial presentations compared to plain charts. With an appropriate plugin, you can get a variety of graphical presentations.

Images and Videos

Although many experts shy away from including these in visual presentations, all WP websites are full of images and videos. Sliders are also a form of visual presentation, and since they started being available in high quality, websites have become more attractive. There are default plugins in WP to add these two and more sophisticated ones might help you to add text on them.

Why WordPress is the Best

Whether you are a learner or a seasoned in WP, getting around it is very easy. When choosing the right visual presentation to use, you will have an easy time deciding. First, it is all about understanding the content that you want to give a boost, and then having the right data put in place.

chart and graph in wordpress

The second thing is to download the right plugin and install it. They often come with different instructions to use. If you have an idea of how to interact with WP, following these instructions will not be a big deal. Many people have maneuvered with this without any challenges.

Making charts, graphs, and tables might not be a straightforward process like embedding maps, which is the easiest. However, with a little guide, anyone can do it. This is where a data expert or web content expert comes in. They might charge a little fee but for a worthy course.

Furthermore, there are numerous online tutorials, both text and videos, that you can follow without any trouble. WordPress offers guides for plugins and visual presentations that they have designed.


As you can see, making a visual presentation in WP sounds complicated, but it is not. With the right information like what we have shared above, it is easy to go through it. Now that you are highly equipped, it is time to try it out and explore more.

# Written by Elliyas Ahmed