Gordon E. Moore, co-founder and former chairman of Intel Corporation, passed away on Friday at the age of 94 at his residence in Hawaii, as confirmed by Intel and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation .

A significant figure in the semiconductor chip industry, Moore was responsible for predicting the rapid advancement of computer chip technology, which paved the way for the digital age.

gordon e. moore, intel co founder and pioneer of moore’s law, passes away
Gordon E. Moore, Intel Co-Founder and Pioneer of Moore’s Law, Passes Away

Along with his colleagues, Moore was instrumental in bringing laptops to millions of people and incorporating microprocessors into various everyday gadgets, including toasters, bathroom scales, and cellphones.

His $500 investment in the microchip business proved to be a wise decision, as electronics became one of the world’s largest industries, and he became a billionaire in the process.

Moore’s most significant contribution to the tech industry was his prediction in 1965, known as Moore’s Law, which stated that the number of transistors placed on a silicon chip would double at regular intervals, resulting in an exponential increase in the data-processing power of computers. He added two corollaries to this prediction, stating that the evolving technology would make computers more expensive to build, but consumers would be charged less and less for them because of their increasing demand. This prediction held true for decades, shaping the direction of technological progress.

Moore was known for his brilliance, leadership, charisma, and contacts, and along with his partner and co-founder of Intel, Robert Noyce, he assembled a team that was considered among the boldest and most creative technicians of the high-tech era.

He will be remembered as a significant contributor to the digital age and a visionary who helped revolutionize the technology industry.

# Written by Elliyas Ahmed